Return Policy

We are convinced that you will be satisfied with gamoki! That is why we offer you a money-back guarantee: you have the option of returning all products purchased in the webshop within 30 days without giving any reason and receive a refund of the purchase price. This also applies to products that may be excluded from the statutory right of withdrawal.

To make use of the money-back guarantee, send us an email to:

Please note the following conditions for the money-back guarantee:

The money-back guarantee is valid for 30 days after the end of the cancellation period for private individuals. To claim the money-back guarantee, the returned goods must be returned to gamoki Online Shop undamaged and in their original packaging. Please note, however, that in the event of a return, you must prove that the product does not fulfill its intended purpose. We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. The buyer must bear the cost of return shipping. Once we have received your return, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price within 14 working days. The refund will be made via the payment method you used for the purchase, after we have inspected the returned goods.

The money-back guarantee does not affect your rights under the statutory right of withdrawal in any way.